Sunday, October 16, 2011

Aeroplane Wings

16 July, 745 PM

The aeroplane wing amidst the thuderstorm skies...
The skies. a staggering melange of colours,
of fire balls and smoke, all intertwined,
merging seamlessly into a blue so still;

A blue so still, that's shattered only by a crack of lightning somewhere!
Good no one lives at this elevation- on this land that engulfs you so deep..
So deep that you lose you sense of space..

I am on the right side of the aeroplane wing..
It aint no fun to be left behind up here...

Janshatabdi Express

On the Way to Jamshedpur, 30/9/2011
In the train...
The water on the window leaving trails
through which I see...
The railway tracks run and the electric wires fly
alongside the train..
They will both reach Jamshedpur with me at 945 am....