Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Trying to keep my sanity in insane times.. 23rd June 2009, 1 pm

What is detachment?

Is it the ability to accept the unacceptable when you know things are not within your control, when you can do nothing to alter the situation?
Or is it the ability to know that you could have helped the situation if you really wanted to.. but hey ! u know what..??! You have a better idea…! You don’t want to do anything about the situation. You want to let yourself stand there calmly.. between the emotions and your soul.. You want to see every emotion pass through you like the spirits that you saw in the ghost movies..
Feel sad, depressed, pained, puckish, bliss, joy, cleansed… all as it comes…
And feel cathartic at the end of it all… Knowing well that you have the ability to feel all and yet rise beyond those emotions…
Why are tough times so tough when we pass through them and why do they always look easy in retrospect.. making us look stupid and small about the way we behaved when we were going through it…?


  1. yeah, absolutely...thas real wisdom practised..u know thas what people u claim to practise meditation preach..n here it is u..who has internalised it...cheers! god bless!!

  2. Extremely Interesting.....can we talk more about this!!

  3. @tasrij: Hey!! Hadnt seen this comment of yours. This thought was first seeded in my head thanks to you:)
    @saurabh : We sure can indulge ourselves in some intellectual conversation on this, when we meet next:)
