Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Lonely Tear...

Written in 2002...

She stands at the threshold,
The rains blurring the horizons beyond,
Making a sweet shattering noise on
The asbestos roof.

Amidst the mellifluous drip drop,
That slender figure stands…
Her locks darker than night,
Willing to enstrange the day of its brightness.
Emotionless emotions on the face,
Her eyelids bent…
Looking into the endless water patterns
On the cemented roughness.

Just then she looks up!
I see them…
The colour, just like the brown earth,
Quenching its thrist…
They would engulf you into the deepest fathoms.
Someone had said, “they are expressive eyes”.

Where is the expression gone?
There is just a queer silence..
The silence holds a thought at the
Edge of her eyelid.
Lo! Perhaps it’s a dew drop.
Held there due to the stillness of her mind and body…

Suddenly, someone calls her from
Behind somewhere…
Somewhere, back into this world I guess...
She shudders!!
Eternity shattered….
She turns, and there it falls….
The sole tear, down the softness of her cheek,
Meandering away to her lips…
Lower and further down…

She’s gone… and so has the tear drop.
I look down for it,
Frantically searching, to where exactly it fell…
But all I see, are the water patterns,
Due to the rain, below….


  1. So sensible. But seems incomplete somewhere.

  2. Remember reading it in your notebook when you freshly wrote it and showed...7 years on and still has life....surely eternal...

    I have some thoughts collecting...will write back soon again...
